body and soul

I believe in the immortality of the soul
I believe in my soul in my pictures
so I call myself myself own
sometime I have some ideas
I want to kill person
that idea is carzy
I 'm as a carzy women?
I don't know
You konw?

this summer is over

in a few days ago
all summer clothes is half price
my new clothes is half price
it is from ' SCAT'
them price is 1156 CNY in a months ago
but now only 591.3 CNY
this summer looks is over
the shirt is one among that three
I 'm start waiting for next summer

my legend

Looking to my eyes
watching them
what something in its?
I'm  looks like a saucerman?

No,I 'm not a saucerman
I don't know one in them
but,I had saw a hand of saucerman on my bed in my room.
the story was happend three years ago
that is a morning,I find a hand of shallow red color in my bed quilt.
five fingervery fast speed moving
watching show me
but that is past is the past

Now I 'm offen think about it
that hand that saucerman
My one of cat was dead before yesterday
I made for driving insect medicine for them
the medicine of toxicity is very deep
so my one of cat was dead
I 'm sorry,very sorry,I love them,sorry~~~
that is a lesson~~


try the reflector board

today I try uesd reflector board for made my pictures
reflector reflector reflector
just light reflector to my face
it is take my face looks light not drank
but I have success ?
haha I 'm trying
I 'm enjoy made pictures for own myself
that job is fun
ohoh-hua-I looks very bueaty
just like is  a bueaty  haha~~
I like depend on myself for everything
my pictures too ,my videos too,my life too~~~

River city NO 2

today I think to buy a reflector board 
about the reflector board I think it have long time
I need one to made my picuters,so___

I and my bf get to the pier
       our city is very especially,we are must through  Long River .
    there are two way,one is by ship the other is through bridges
             the big ship of speed is very slowly and more puper,so we take choese by boats.haha.
there are some word on the ship   "RIVER CITY NO 2"

My bf on the boats
Let's go________
no no ,the city is not HK
it is the largest of the city in China of middle "Wu Han"
it is my home town.
these building made by European  in 19?? 1921?1927?
 I don't know.
we bought one reflector board and had eat and spent 800 CNY than came back
the reflector only price 65 CNY
but I got to a large store spent  to 500 CNY for makeup
two days ago
I met my black cat"mony"on the road
I call it ,it call me too
I taked  it to our house
so I have three cats,they are just in my video.
mao mao mao~~~~